How to protect
from dengue
Is it possible to protect yourself against the most common mosquito species? It’s not only important, but also inevitable, that you take measures to protect yourself from this mosquito-borne virus. The World Health Organization (WHO) has found that dengue fever can be transmitted from person to person by mosquitoes and other carriers of this infection. There is a risk that an infected patient may get re infected with the virus. For this reason, protecting yourself from these insects should be one of your priorities in order to reduce the risks of being infected and possibly even dying. In order to prevent these illnesses, here are some ways in which you can help. In this article we will take an overview of the various types of dengue mosquito and show what is happening if you contract a dengue infection. Let’s start! Why do I Need Protection from Dengue? Dengue is a serious threat to human health.
According to the WHO, “Dengue can occur at any time but there is a peak season between May and September when thousands die each year from severe infections worldwide”.
Causes of Dengue Fever: Although it is extremely
rare for people to die from dengue, there are still hundreds of thousands of
cases globally each year, and tens of millions of deaths around the world
caused by mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever. That means many lives
could have been saved if everyone had taken preventive measures against insect
bites. What Are All Types of Insect Bites Which Can Be Caused By A Dengue
Infection? At first glance, one might think that having so many breeds of
mosquitoes in circulation would make it difficult to catch a dengue infection.
Unfortunately, it isn’t true. However, the different kinds of the mosquitoes
present in nature, like Culex spp., Anopheles spp., Hemisects spp., Puleia nubili
and Aedes spp., usually cause outbreaks of dengue in much larger areas than
their close relatives such as Anomelas spp. This, along with the fact that they
are more easily spread between individuals, makes it very likely that those who
live near them in the form of food or water, are exposed to them constantly.
Symptoms of Dengue Fever: As for the kind of symptoms
and signs, they depend on what type of organism causes the infection. Those who
contract the virus usually experience mild symptoms, however, the duration of
the illness is much longer for those who contract dengue viruses such as the
Wuzhen strain. These patients need immediate medical attention and care.
How do you know if
something’s really getting into your body?
Because symptoms often emerge after 2-3 days and then resolve
within a day or two. When it comes to testing, blood tests should be done and
tested for antibodies against the parasite. You must contact a doctor
immediately should you develop any unusual signs or symptoms. They should look
out for certain warning signs like headaches and fever, which appear during
this period. If the disease has already affected your system, the results
usually occur within 10-14 days.
Long Does Dengue Last?
It varies depending on what part of the body is infected, the length of the incubation period (the time before symptoms appear), and the severity of the disease. Some have said that it takes about 2-4 weeks for a person to recover from mosquito-borne diseases. Other scientists also claim that dengue fever can last up to 3 months. Many factors can affect its recovery time, including an individual’s immune system and how well the organs and tissues with the mosquito bites will be able to regenerate. While it seems unrealistic, it is possible to get rid of this disease. One thing you must understand is that, despite the difference in the symptoms of dengue infection, most of them will improve within 5-7 days. However, symptoms rarely disappear completely. For example, in Europe a study found that about 60% of people infected with the virus develop immunity after 8 weeks. Most of us already know how hard it is to fight off this disease, but if you have any other concerns about being infected, consult with your doctor, especially if they suspect that you might be suffering from dengue fever. Before showing symptoms of Dengue Fever
During the first few days, you may feel sleepy and thirsty. Then, you will feel nauseous, fatigue, headache, and dizziness. These symptoms are due to lack of sleep and water loss because of dehydration. After this stage passes, the patient will feel tired and may even start vomiting occasionally. When the patient feels sick, he/she cannot stand it anymore. Sometimes, he/she develops nausea and then starts sweating and having chills. It is difficult for them to keep up the level of energy throughout the rest of the day. They may lose weight rapidly and become weak. On the contrary, others will be alert and cheerful. Their condition is good enough that the nurse gives them medicine and checks his appearance regularly. These symptoms are called febrile conditions and are usually accompanied by fever. Another symptom includes muscle pains, joint pain, and headaches. Since it usually lasts for several hours or even days, you need proper medical treatment. But some medicines don’t work, and you can try acupuncture or herbal remedies to relieve your discomfort. A special diet that allows you to avoid drinking fluids that contain salt or sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and red meat may improve the situation. There is an array of medications prescribed by doctors.
Generally speaking, they work best with antiepileptics and anti-nausea medication. If a man feels that everything is normal, he will continue taking all the prescribed medicines until the next visit to the doctor. You may be referred to a specialist who will perform more extensive testing and analysis of the existing disease and suggest alternative methods of treating it. With this in mind, when visiting the hospital, a professional will help you evaluate all available options and choose the best option.